
OCI FSS snapshot scheduler

Project maintained by aboovv1976 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

This repository provides a few techniques to manage OCI FSS snapshots. Deletion of snapshots based on age and automatically scheduling the creation and deletion of snapshots. The files are in snapshot-scheduler-tool folder.

1) OCI FSS Snapshot Schedule
2) OCI FSS Snapshot delete

Note: The provided aboovv/fss-snapshot-scheduler image is a generic OCI CLI/API python container that can be used with any API/CLI requirements.

OCI FSS Snapshot Scheduler

This is a script used to create and delete FSS snapshots based on a pre-defined schedule. This creates the snapshots as well as deletes the expired snapshots.


The scheduler can be used in three ways.

Option 1. As a stand alone script - fss-snapsht-scheduler.py. This can be placed in cron job to run every one hour. The script will create and delete (expire) snapshots as defined in scheduler.cfg file or using FSS_CKPT_SHCEDULER_CFG environment variable.

Option 2. This includes a Dockerfile that can be used to build a docker image. This is based on alpine Linux and includes all the required modules including oci api. Run the docker image every hour. This is a container and has no pre-requisites such as OCI API module or other libraries.

Option 3. Run in K8s cluster with the above docker image as cron job

Option 1: Standalone script

In its simplest form, just copy the fss-snapshot-scheduler.py, schedule.cfg and modify the schedule.cfg with FS ocid and schedule details. Run fss-snapshot-scheduler.py


$ python ./fss-snapshot-scheduler.py  
2022-04-12T15:30:16.245Z - fss-scheduler - INFO - Creating OCI config file from environment variables failed, error:'OCI_USER_ID' Using default config file  
2022-04-12T15:30:16.630Z - fss-scheduler - INFO - Expired snapshot found for hourly_snapshot: hourly_snapshot_2022_04_12-02_49_20, Expired 2022/04/12 03:49:20   
2022-04-12T15:30:17.434Z - fss-scheduler - INFO - Deleted Snapshot: hourly_snapshot_2022_04_12-02_49_20  
2022-04-12T15:30:17.434Z - fss-scheduler - INFO - Snapshot Creation required with parameters - Name:hourly_snapshot_2022_04_12-15_30_16, Expiry: 2022-04-12 16:30:16.630778  
2022-04-12T15:30:28.706Z - fss-scheduler - INFO - Created Snapshot: hourly_snapshot_2022_04_12-15_30_16  
$ cat schedule.cfg  
[ocid1.filesystem.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaaaac2b2xbnfqwillqojxwiotjmfsc2ylefuzaaaaa] # FSName: Rclone-fs  
Hourly_Snapshot = 1h:1h  
Daily_Snapshot =  1d:1m  
Monthly_SnapShot = 1m:1y  
Yearly_Snapshot =  1y:1c  
$ crontab -l
0 * * * *  python /home/opc/scheduler/fss-snapshot-scheduler.py

Option 2: docker

The advantage of using docker image is that it comes with all the modules installed and should not have any other dependancies.

sudo docker run -it –env-file env aboovv/fss-snapshot-scheduler

This will run just once but requires the above to be installed as a cronjob. The env file should be populated as mentioned in the next section. That is FSS_CKPT_SHCEDULER_CFG and OCI authentication environment variables.


$ sudo docker run -it --env-file env aboovv/fss-snapshot-scheduler
2022-04-12T15:41:15.601Z - fss-scheduler - INFO - Snapshot Creation required with parameters - Name:hourly_snapshot_2022_04_12-15_41_15, Expiry: 2022-04-13 15:41:15.601073  
2022-04-12T15:41:18.354Z - fss-scheduler - INFO - Created Snapshot: hourly_snapshot_2022_04_12-15_41_15  
2022-04-12T15:41:18.424Z - fss-scheduler - INFO - Snapshot Creation required with parameters - Name:monthly_snapshot_2022_04_12-15_41_18, Expiry: 2024-04-12 15:41:18.424715  
2022-04-12T15:41:28.678Z - fss-scheduler - INFO - Created Snapshot: monthly_snapshot_2022_04_12-15_41_18  
2022-04-12T15:41:28.679Z - fss-scheduler - INFO - Snapshot Creation required with parameters - Name:yearly_snapshot_2022_04_12-15_41_28, Expiry: 2122-04-12 15:41:28.678960  
2022-04-12T15:41:30.713Z - fss-scheduler - INFO - Created Snapshot: yearly_snapshot_2022_04_12-15_41_28  
$ sudo docker run -it --env-file env aboovv/fss-snapshot-scheduler 
$ cat env  
FSS_CKPT_SHCEDULER_CFG={"ocid1.filesystem.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaaaac2b2xbnfqwillqojxwiotjmfsc2ylefuzaaaaa": {"hourly_snapshot": "1h:1d", "daily_snapshot": "1d:1m", "monthly_snapshot": "1m:6m"}, "ocid1.filesystem.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaaaaczrj4infqwillqojxwiotjmfsc2ylefuzaaaaa": {"monthly_snapshot": "1m:2y", "yearly_snapshot": "1y:1c"}}  
OCI_KEY=LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBSU0EgUFJJVkFURSBLRVkt...<removed - generated using echo "OCI_KEY=`cat ~/.oci/private_key.pem | base64 -w 0`" >> env>  

Option 3: Kubernetes

kubectl apply -f k8s-cron.yaml

The environment variables should be updated in the k8s-cron.yaml file. See the next sections for the required environment variable. That is FSS_CKPT_SHCEDULER_CFG and OCI authentication environment variables.


# kubectl apply -f k8s-cron.yaml

(If you happened to catch the pod running. See the logs)

# kubectl logs fss-scheduler-27496334-vcbwl 
2022-04-12T16:17:04.270Z - fss-scheduler - INFO - Snapshot Creation required with parameters - Name:daily_snapshot_2022_04_12-16_17_04, Expiry: 2022-05-12 16:17:04.270005
2022-04-12T16:17:04.270Z - fss-scheduler - INFO - Snapshot Creation required with parameters - Name:daily_snapshot_2022_04_12-16_17_04, Expiry: 2022-05-12 16:17:04.270005
2022-04-12T16:17:06.794Z - fss-scheduler - INFO - Created Snapshot: daily_snapshot_2022_04_12-16_17_04

$ cat k8s-cron.yaml 
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: CronJob
  name: fss-scheduler
  schedule: "0 * * * *"
  successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 0
  failedJobsHistoryLimit: 2
        - name: fss-scheduler
          image: aboovv/fss-snapshot-scheduler
          command: [ "python" ]
          args: [ "fss-scheduler.py" ]
            - name: OCI_USER_ID
              value: <user ocid from ~/.oci/config>
            - name: OCI_KEY
              value: <paste output of cat ~/.oci/pvt_key.pem | base64 -w 0>
            - name: OCI_KEY_DIGEST
              value: <fingerprint from ~/.oci/config>
            - name: OCI_TENANCY_ID
              value: <tenancy ocid from ~/.oci/config>
            - name: OCI_REGION
              value: <oci region>
            - name: OCI_COMPARTMENT_ID
              value: <compartment ocid of the FSS resources>
            - name: FSS_CKPT_SHCEDULER_CFG
              value: <json string for the checkpoint schedule>
        restartPolicy: Never

Defining the schedule

The schedule can be defined in two ways. One is using configuration file schedule.cfg. The file name can be overridden with environment variable FSS_CKPT_SHCEDULER_CFG_FILE


[<OCID Of the FS>]
SnapshotPrefix1 = frequency:expiry
SnapshotPrefix2 = frequency:expiry
SnapshotPrefix3 = frequency:expiry

The Snapshots created by the scheduler will start with Snapshot prefix.

Example cfg file

[ocid1.filesystem.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaaaac2b2xbnfqwillqojxwiotjmfsc2ylefuzaaaaa] # FSName: FS1
Hourly_Snapshot = 1h:1d
Daily_Snapshot = 1d:1m
Monthly_SnapShot = 1m:6m
[ocid1.filesystem.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaaaaczrj4infqwillqojxwiotjmfsc2ylefuzaaaaa] # FSName: FS2
Monthly_SnapShot = 1m:2y
Yearly_SnapShot = 1y:1c

The Hourly_Snapshot = 1h:1d entry above will create snapshot every hour and keep it for a day. h for hour, d for day, m for month, y for year and c for century.

Another option to specify the schedules without this config file is using environment variable FSS_CKPT_SHCEDULER_CFG. This will be handy if the scheduler is started in docker or as a Kubernettes cron job

The FSS_CKPT_SHCEDULER_CFG carries the above cfg file entries in json format.


The following encoded string is equivalent to the above cfg file.

FSS_CKPT_SHCEDULER_CFG=’{“ocid1.filesystem.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaaaac2b2xbnfqwillqojxwiotjmfsc2ylefuzaaaaa”: {“hourly_snapshot”: “1h:1d”, “daily_snapshot”: “1d:1m”, “monthly_snapshot”: “1m:6m”},”ocid1.filesystem.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaaaaczrj4infqwillqojxwiotjmfsc2ylefuzaaaaa”: {“monthly_snapshot”: “1m:2y”, “yearly_snapshot”: “1y:1c”}}’

OCI API authentication

The OCI CLI/API access needs to be configured. Refer Configuring the CLI . The DEFAULT section is all needed if the script is used as a standalone in a system. However, if it is used from a container, the OCI config values should be passed as the environment variables.

These are the environment variables and the values can be directly copied from the OCI config file (~/.oci/config)

OCI_USER_ID=<user ocid from ~/.oci/config>
OCI_TENANCY_ID=<tenancy ocid from ~/.oci/config>
OCI_KEY_DIGEST=<fingerprint from ~/.oci/config>
OCI_REGION=<oci region>
OCI_COMPARTMENT_ID=<compartment ocid of the FSS resources>
OCI_KEY=<paste output of * cat ~/.oci/pvt_key.pem | base64 -w 0 * >


The Docker file is provided. However, the image is available at aboovv/fss-snapshot-scheduler

Standalone script cronjob

Configure it for every hour as follows. The user for which this crontab is configured should have configured OCI CLI access. Configuring the CLI. If its not configured, the OCI environment variables should be configured for authentication.

0 * * * *  python /home/opc/scheduler/fss-snapshot-scheduler.py

Kubernetes cron job

If the scheduler to be run as a kubernetes job, a sample k8s-cron.yaml file is included along with this. The environment variables section needs to be filled. If feels insecure, use Kubernetes secrets for these environment variables instead.

OCI FSS Snapshot delete

The repository provides fss-snapshot-delete.py as a standalone script to delete snapshots based on its age. This is a seperate script to the snapshot scheduler.


$ python ./fss-snapshot-delete.py 
usage: fss-snapshot-delete.py [-h] --file-system-id FILE_SYSTEM_ID
                              [--seconds SECONDS] [--hours HOURS]
                              [--days DAYS] [--minutes MINUTES] [--delete]
fss-snapshot-delete.py: error: the following arguments are required: --file-system-id

List all snapshots

$ python ./fss-snapshot-delete.py  --file-system-id ocid1.filesystem.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaaaac2b2xbnfqwillqojxwiotjmfsc2ylefuzaaaaa 
Name: hourly_snapshot_2022_04_12-17_15_29 Time: 04/12/2022, 17:15:29
Name: daily_snapshot_2022_04_12-16_17_04 Time: 04/12/2022, 16:17:04
Name: hourly_snapshot_2022_04_12-15_41_15 Time: 04/12/2022, 15:41:15
Name: yearly_snapshot_2022_04_11-15_56_26 Time: 04/11/2022, 15:56:27
Name: monthly_snapshot_2022_04_11-15_56_25 Time: 04/11/2022, 15:56:25
Name: daily_snapshot_2022_04_11-15_56_22 Time: 04/11/2022, 15:56:24

List snapshots one day old

$ python ./fss-snapshot-delete.py  --file-system-id ocid1.filesystem.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaaaac2b2xbnfqwillqojxwiotjmfsc2ylefuzaaaaa  --days 1
Name: yearly_snapshot_2022_04_11-15_56_26 Time: 04/11/2022, 15:56:27
Name: monthly_snapshot_2022_04_11-15_56_25 Time: 04/11/2022, 15:56:25
Name: daily_snapshot_2022_04_11-15_56_22 Time: 04/11/2022, 15:56:24

Delete snapshots older than 1 day

$ python ./fss-snapshot-delete.py  --file-system-id ocid1.filesystem.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaaaac2b2xbnfqwillqojxwiotjmfsc2ylefuzaaaaa  --days 1 --delete
Deleting Name: yearly_snapshot_2022_04_11-15_56_26 Time: 04/11/2022, 15:56:27
Deleted Snapshot: yearly_snapshot_2022_04_11-15_56_26
Deleting Name: monthly_snapshot_2022_04_11-15_56_25 Time: 04/11/2022, 15:56:25
Deleted Snapshot: monthly_snapshot_2022_04_11-15_56_25
Deleting Name: daily_snapshot_2022_04_11-15_56_22 Time: 04/11/2022, 15:56:24
Deleted Snapshot: daily_snapshot_2022_04_11-15_56_22
[opc@kube scheduler]$

Use any combination of seconds, hours, minutes and days for listing and deleting.